Man in Salt at Salzwelten Hallstatt

Chamber Showing the Man in Salt at the Salzwelten Hallstatt

Chamber Showing the Man in Salt at the Salzwelten Hallstatt

When we weren’t moving from one place to another, we were just watching a film. We have already watched two films about the Salzwelten in Hallstatt. This was all done without any spoken words and was actually quite impressive how effective this was. We arrived at what appears to be an overlook. It was dark and it was hard to tell exactly what was in front of us. Apparently, this was where the Man in Salt was discovered. As the name implies, there is a literal man in salt discovered here the mine. This stop was to allow us to watch yet another film about the origin of this Man in Salt.

Film Showing the Story of the Man in Salt at Salzwelten Hallstatt

Film Showing the Story of the Man in Salt at Salzwelten Hallstatt

The story starts with villagers just going about their normal mining activities. It seems to be quite lighthearted that I started to wonder what does this have anything to do with the Man in Salt. The story eventually took a dark turn with the miners seemingly trying to run away from something. One man was lagging behind and I realized that this was trying to tell that there was a mine collapse and the miners were trying to escape the mine. One of the miners was unfortunately caught in the collapse. That might have been the end of the story however, the salt in the rocks acted as a preservative and preserved the body of the deceased miner. This all probably happened three thousand years ago until the body was discovered in 1734. The body and clothes were all in remarkable condition because of the salt. These days, the story of the Man in Salt is told in the Salzwelten Hallstatt.

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