Another Miner’s Slide at the Salzwelten Hallstatt

Green Light Means Go Down the Miner's Slide at Salzwelten Hallstatt

Green Light Means Go Down the Miner’s Slide at Salzwelten Hallstatt

By this point in the tour of the Salzwelten Hallstatt, I was already getting disappointed with the tour. I don’t really have that many photos of the salt mine apart from the parts where we would actually stay for a longer period of time. Most of the time, it felt like we were getting herded from one place to another and I didn’t feel that it was that interesting. I was hoping that I can lag behind so that I can take photos but I felt that we were moving too fast for that. As you saw in a previous post, I didn’t even have time to take a photo of the tunnel without getting everybody else in the photo. I eventually ended up with a very blurry photo of the salt mine tunnel.

Longest Miner's Slide in the World at Salzwelten Hallstatt

Longest Miner’s Slide in the World at Salzwelten Hallstatt

What we didn’t really feel that much was that we were heading deeper into the mine. We eventually came to another stop and surprise, there was another miner’s slide here. This one, however, is considered to be the longest miner’s slide in the world. Just peering down the slide, I think I believe them. Like the previous slide that we had to ride, we would go in pairs. Our tour guide would keep an eye below to make sure the coast is clear because letting anyone else go down. Keeping our arms to ourselves and we just let go. It actually took much longer than I thought. Eventually, we would all come to a stop and get off the slide. I wasn’t expecting another slide here but it should probably not come as a surprise since there are around twenty levels of tunnels here in the mountain. Miners would be tired by the time they get to their desired level if they all walk all the way down.

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