Seref Buryan 1892

Adana Kebab with Pita at Seref Buryan 1892

Adana Kebab with Pita at Seref Buryan 1892

I had a very long day today, I took a ferry to the city of Bursa and I took the same ferry back to Istanbul when everything was done. It was stressful coming back because I had to catch the 6pm ferry back to Istanbul, the last one back to the big city. I knew that I can always take the bus back to Istanbul but I would not have to deal with that since the ferry is much faster than the bus. Apparently, there were a lot of other people on my bus who were also trying to catch the ferry. I’m sure we all heaved a collective sigh of relief when we boarded the ferry. The ferry operators had to be aware of the our bus coming since it operates on a schedule. They would have known that there will be passengers trying to catch the last trip back to Istanbul coming in this scheduled bus.

Lamb Doner Kebab at Seref Buryan 1892

Lamb Doner Kebab at Seref Buryan 1892

The ferry itself wasn’t full and I expected that it would be quite packed since it is the last trip of the day. The ferry made a stop at a nearby port to pick up passengers too, so that could have been another option but I don’t know where that port is. I didn’t matter anymore since I was already on board the ferry. The ferry was very comfortable as it was air conditioned compared to the bus which was very warm and it wasn’t just me who was sweating profusely because of the heat. I was only too glad to have made it back to Yenikapi Ferry Station in Istanbul. I hurriedly went back to the hotel to cool down for a bit before heading out.

Ayran, A Turkish Yoghurt Drink at Seref Buryan 1892

Ayran, A Turkish Yoghurt Drink at Seref Buryan 1892

By the time I got out, it was time for dinner. For the past few days, I have been confused as too what the price for food here in Istanbul is. From the looks of it, food isn’t as cheap as I thought it would have been. I know that I have been visiting a lot of tourist areas and food would be pricier than normal. I was hoping I would be able to find a “local” place to eat. I found out about this place in the Fatih district which apparently has quite a few restaurants. It was walking distance from the hotel and made my way there after the sun went down.

Eating at Seref Buryan 1892

Eating at Seref Buryan 1892

Indeed this seems to be like some sort of restaurant area as there were several of them side by side. I ended up going to this fancier looking place name Seref Buryan 1892. I’m guessing that they have been here since 1892. If they have been here that long, maybe they are that good. For a “local” place, this one appears to be fancy but the prices on the menu seems to say otherwise. It is actually quite affordable. I guess the presence of a lot of competition has kept the price down. I got myself some roasted meat.

I know I have been having pretty much the same stuff every day but it is not everyday that I am here and I am just trying to eat as much of it as I can. Seref Buryan is the kind of place that you best go as a group because there is so much to try. There was only me here and I won’t be able to get that much food just for myself. The food was very good, not to mention affordable. They seem to be quite well known as well and there were a lot of locals eating there. I also noticed that there are locals bringing foreigners there which I thought was another good sign. After all, you won’t be bringing your friends to a place which isn’t good right?

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