View of Bursa from Tophane Park

View of the City of Bursa from Tophane Park

View of the City of Bursa from Tophane Park

The Tophane Clock Tower is a prominent landmark in the this small but important park. It is on a hill which overlooks the city of Bursa. Actually, there is a taller mountain on the other side of the city where the village of Cumalikizik is. However, this one near the city gives a better view since you will be much closer. There are no high rises here in the city so this is not going to be a breathtaking view. Still it is nice to be able to be high up and see the rest of the place. I don’t think I have been here long enough to recognize any landmarks in the city apart from the Grand Mosque.

Looking at the City of Bursa from Tophane Park

Looking at the City of Bursa from Tophane Park

I think it would be nice to be here at the park when it is night time since all the lights would be switched on. Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of time here in my visit to Bursa. I already wasted a lot of time getting lost. I know that there is still one more place I need to look at before I go and fortunately, it is in this park. I like how well maintained this place is and it is no surprise that this place is popular with the locals.

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