Tophane Park

White Gate to Tophane Park in Bursa

White Gate to Tophane Park in Bursa

I was basically zipping from one place to another here in Bursa. I know that it was still mid afternoon, but I also am aware that I have some time constraints here since I will still have to travel back to Istanbul this evening. Because of this I can’t really take my time, most importantly I can’t afford to get lost going from one place to another. I was making my way to my last stop here in Bursa which is Tophane Park. The park is one which is set up on the hill overlooking the city of Bursa which is where a lot of important people seem to be buried.

Inside the Tophane Park in Bursa

Inside the Tophane Park in Bursa

There appears to be a lot more people here and I was confident that I was in the correct place. The park entrance has a large white gate in front which leads to the park ground itself. The park itself has a lot of trees which makes it a nice place to walk around in the midday heat. I can see that people like it here since it isn’t always easy to walk up a small hill just to go to a park. There are cafes here which make it a pleasant place to visit. Moreover, there are important points to see here other than just the park.

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