Going to the Uftade Mosque

Going to the Uftade Mosque in Bursa

Going to the Uftade Mosque in Bursa

I was lucky that the area around the Grand Mosque of Bursa is packed with historical sites, but it isn’t just limited there. I didn’t have a tourist map with me but just looking at Google Maps would tell me that there are a few in the vicinity. I decided to go to one nearby, I thought that this is one of the more important places but I think I picked the wrong place but although was still historical but not as important as my intended destination. Regardless, they are all in the vicinity so I think I should just make this quick.

Climbing Up the Stairs to the Uftade Mosque

Climbing Up the Stairs to the Uftade Mosque

The area is in a more quiet section of the city center. This part of the city seems to be elevated, in fact, this might be the reason why it was picked to be built in the first place. Royalty tend to want to be buried in elevated places. This area is one of a few like that. Going there, the area actually didn’t look very impressive. The elevated area looks more like a quarry and there was even a parking lot nearby. There is a rather steep flight of stairs to go to the upper level and I would expect that everything would be all here.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/UftadeMosque.kmz} zoom=19]