Cumalikizik Village

Houses at the Village of Cumalikizik

Houses at the Village of Cumalikizik

I decided to go to the city of Bursa to be able to visit a couple of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the area. I first went to the village of Cumalikizik which is known to be a well preserved Ottoman village. I somehow managed to get to the village with very little problem considering that this place isn’t a super popular place to go to. I say that it isn’t super popular but that doesn’t mean that no people go here. When I got off the minibus at the main entrance of the village, there was a large number of visitors here which came as a surprise to me. At that point, I thought that the this place has got to be an incredible place since it has that many people here.

Ottoman Era Houses at Cumalikizik Village

Ottoman Era Houses at Cumalikizik Village

On first impression, I thought that Cumalikizik Village seemed rather ordinary. To me, it looked like it is just an underdeveloped village no different from those that I would see in third world countries. To be fair, Türkiye is a very well developed country and to have a village that is still undeveloped since the Ottoman period is a testament to the preservation efforts of the authorities. That being said, the presence of numerous vendors where visitors would first land would be a little off putting. However, if you just make it beyond the entrance, the crowds would thin out considerably. Sometimes leaving just yourself going around that village.

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