Going to Cumalikizik

Bus from Bursa Port to Emek Metro Station

Bus from Bursa Port to Emek Metro Station

It was towards the end of my trip to Türkiye but I still thought to squeeze one more outing before I go. Istanbul is in a rather inconvenient location in the country. Because of the presence of water around the city, land transports naturally have to go around the water to go anywhere. This adds to the total travel times for travelers. I took the ferry from Istanbul to Bursa because it is the faster option compared to the bus which takes an additional hour. I have finally arrived in the port of Bursa but I am nowhere near where I was supposed to be. I need to get to the city center and make transfers to get to the place.

Metro Station in Bursa

Metro Station in Bursa

From the port, there is a bus which will go to the Emek metro station. It was easy enough for me to figure it out. This route is the recommended route since it uses the highway so it is faster and there are less stops. I eventually made it to the Emek metro station. I had to purchase a metro card to make travel easier for me. I will be using a bit of public transportation here so getting the card would be convenient for me. From the Emek metro station, I caught the train heading towards Arabayatagi.

This line actually overlaps with the other metro line for several stations, so passengers and transfer to the next line whenever they want. I was heading to the the village of Cumalikizik and there is a convenient metro station to get out of. However, there is yet a final leg to the journey and I needed to take a minibus to the actual village itself. The minibuses will be coming down the same highway as the metro line and it makes a right at a corner very near the metro station. Just wait there for a minubus and they will find you.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BursaPort.kmz} zoom=19]