Inside the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal

Inside the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

Inside the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

I got up early the next day to catch a ferry to the nearby city of Bursa. I know that I actually passed through Bursa a previous day but I was en route to Istanbul and I didn’t have it as part of my plans that day. I also know that the ferry from Istanbul is faster than the bus, which made it a no brainer for me. The ferry departs from the the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal and it was easy enough to purchase tickets. I only got a one way ticket because I don’t know what time I would be able to come back to Istanbul. On the way to the ferry terminal, I can see quite a few people walking towards the terminal. This gave me confidence that this was the right call.

Cafe at the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

Cafe at the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

The terminal is modern and spacious. There is also a cafe where you can grab a little breakfast while waiting for the ferry. I still managed to get a bit of food here while waiting but it wasn’t really anything special. I was constantly keeping an eye on the time since I don’t know if there will even be an announcement for boarding of the ferry. And even if there was, there is a chance that I might not understand it. From the cafe, I can see that there are ships docked and no doubt, one of the ships here would be the one I would take.

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