Going to the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal

Outside the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

Outside the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

I am almost at the end of my trip to Istanbul and I have been enjoying it a lot. Yes, I might be exhausted from going from one place to another in the summer heat but I was liking what I was seeing. I know I had a lot of preconceived notions about Istanbul and the country in general but I was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. The country is quite modern and there are a lot of conveniences which I don’t even get where I live. Here like a lot of places, transportation can be a little hit or miss. Because of Istanbul’s location in the country, one would have to go a long way just to go anywhere else in the country.

Dolphin Sculpture at the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

Dolphin Sculpture at the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal in Istanbul

I was thinking of visiting the city of Bursa, which isn’t that far from Istanbul but it turns out that the bus takes around three hours to get there. And I think this is all due to the location of Istanbul where there is a lot of water in the way of your bus ride. Fortunately, there is a faster and more comfortable alternative. Instead of going around the water, why not just go across it. There is a direct ferry service from Istanbul to the city of Bursa and it takes half the time to get there. Passengers would have to depart from the Yenikapi Ferry Terminal, which is a few metro stops away from my hotel. Do note that the metro doesn’t drop you at the ferry terminal itself, passengers would still need to walk a fair bit to get there. Just follow everyone else and you will find the terminal.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/YenikapiFerryTerminal.kmz} zoom=19]