Dolmabahce Palace National Painting Museum

Painting Inside the National Painting Museum at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

Painting Inside the National Painting Museum at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

I wasn’t too happy with my visit to the Dolmabahce Palace. I know it is actually great to see the amazing interiors of the palace. I would like to think that they are at least on par with the great castles of Europe. What was disappointing here wasn’t how the palace was, or even anything to with the palace, it was because visitors are not allowed to take photos inside of the palace. I don’t know why people are not allowed to do this. I remember people are not allowed to take photos when inside a some museums for fear of damaging the artifacts with the flash. I still find that reason rather bizarre but no matter. The Dolmabache Palace management does not allow for photos to be taken inside the palace. There are a lot of people guarding the place and you will definitely get caught if you get too greedy and sneak in too many shots.

Gallery Inside the National Painting Museum at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

Gallery Inside the National Painting Museum at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

It was a shame since the palace is really quite nice inside. Eventually, I ended up outside the palace and in a garden at the other end of the palace. This is much smaller than the one outside and feels a little more private. From here, visitors can visit the National Painting Museum. I wasn’t really feeling it if it was just gonna be paintings. But I thought that since I was already here, I might as well have a look. The museum looks much like the palace. The rooms have paintings on display by various famous artists across the years. I don’t really know any of the personalities painted here, nor do I know any of the painters. I would just have to assume that they are well known in the country.

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