Bosphorus Strait by the Dolmabahce Palace

Gates by the Bosphorus Strait

Gates by the Bosphorus Strait

The Dolmabahce Palace would be the last major site I would visit in the old city of Istanbul. I know there are a lot more places to see here but I can’t be going all over the place in this heat. The Dolmabahce Palace is considered the largest palace in Türkiye. It was built by Sultan Abdulmecid I to essentially upgrade the sultan’s residences. It is not in the old part of Istanbul but I think it has a better location here. The Dolmabahce Palace is quite long and much of that length is by the waters of the Bosphorus Strait.

Bosphorus Strait at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

Bosphorus Strait at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul

When studying world history, the name Bosphorus strait came up but I don’t really remember too much about it. It is the main waterway which divides Istanbul into the European side and the Asian side. Needless to say, the strait is an integral part of the Istanbul itself not just geographically but also identity wise. The Dolmabahce Palace sits on an area which is rather flat so you can’t really see too much of the strait. There are actually gates here where you can see the water but it would be off limits to visitors lest someone falls in the water. The gates however are a popular place for photographs and I would agree that it is very pretty. Given the length of the palace itself, I suspect there would be more of these along the way.

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