Al Madina Fish Restaurant

Dramatic Serving of Grill Fish at the Al Madina Fish Restaurant in Istanbul

Dramatic Serving of Grill Fish at the Al Madina Fish Restaurant in Istanbul

I started out later in the morning than normal. I was out for the entire day yesterday and I was basically on a bus for almost 24 hours over 36 hours. Obviously, this will exhaust anyone. I know I should have planned this better but hindsight is always 20/20. I was going to take it easy today and just walk around and see what is there to see in Istanbul. I was walking around the popular Taksim Square when I realized that it was already noon. I have been eating almost kebab exclusively these past few days and I wanted to eat something else here. I know that Turkish cuisine is well known but it can’t just be all about kebab.

Big Plate of Grilled Fish at Al Madina Fish Restaurant in Istanbul

Big Plate of Grilled Fish at Al Madina Fish Restaurant in Istanbul

The Taksim Square area has a lot of restaurants and visitors will be spoilt for choice here. I saw a few seafood restaurants here and I thought it should try one of them. Istanbul is a city by the sea and for sure there is plenty of seafood here. I ended up going to Al Madina Fish Restaurant. If that doesn’t tell you what they specialize in, then I don’t know what will. I think it might still be early in the day because I was the only one in the restaurant. The restaurant is very spacious and it looks like it is popular or else they won’t need so much space. Unlike some of the places that I have been to, this one looks a little higher end, hopefully it won’t be too expensive.

I ordered a plate of grilled fish, because of course. I wasn’t expecting that the plate would be served with a little fanfare. Actually, the plate of fish came with an urn which when the waiter uncovered was releasing smoke. It doesn’t do anything to the food but it adds a little more fanfare and drama when they serve you the food. I have seen other restaurant serve food with fire. I guess this is their gimmick here. I didn’t really care much about how they give you the food. I just want me food to be good. The serving was huge. Granted that the dish was on the expensive side, the huge portions made up for it. I don’t remember what kind of fish it was but they grill slabs of the fish without it drying up. I liked the fish and it was a very nice change from all that meat I have been consuming the whole time. In hindsight, I thought that maybe some kind of platter would have been better to order than just one large plate of the same fish. I don’t think I saw anything in the menu but I think I should have just asked. I think this place is one for the tourists because you can see all the videos and photos of people coming here. Maybe this place really is famous.

Al Madina Fish Restaurant
Katip Mustafa Çelebi, Sıraselviler Cd. No: 26,
34433 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 212 657 31 31
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