Back in Istanbul

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Istanbul

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Istanbul

Doing two eleven hour bus rides within 36 hours is not my idea of fun. I decided to head back to the city of Istanbul from Denizli after visiting two amazing places in Pamukkale and Hierapolis. They were right next to each other and it was easy to visit both places in one day. Visitors can choose to stay and explore Hierapolis because the ruins are spread out over a large and very hot area but I didn’t have the stamina for that. I managed to get a bus to go back to Istanbul. I was hoping that I would be able to get back to the big city before midnight and hopefully catch the last trains back to the hotel.

Closer Look at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church is Istanbul

Closer Look at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church is Istanbul

The trip back was uneventful. This trip was slightly shorter by an hour but it was still agonizing to me. There was no one to speak to. I didn’t see any fellow tourists here the closest person I can talk to doesn’t speak English. For that long of a trip, the bus would be stopping several times along the way for toilet breaks. I would make sure that I would show myself to the bus captain so that hopefully they won’t forget about me. I notice that they don’t really count the number of people who get back on the bus so there is a very good chance they would just leave without me.

Even the dinner stop was also very rushed. I did get myself some food, which was basically just pointing at pre-cooked food and hoping it would be nice. I would sit myself near the bus captain so I would be able to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t leave without me. I don’t even think he knows that I ride on his bus. The bus stops were nice and comfortable. Some can be busy and this could be a problem especially if you don’t have much time to do your toilet break.

Obviously, it was already dark by the time we got to Istanbul and it was agonizing to realize that Istanbul is such a large city that it still took some time to get to the bus station. By the time we got there, there were only a handful of people in the bus. The bus station was dark and there was no more metro service much to my dismay. I had to make do with an expensive taxi who was obviously waiting for people like me. I didn’t really have much choice at that point and accepted the deal. I thought that the taxi was somehow still worth it because it took us some time to get back to downtown. The driver managed to find the hotel, thanks to Google Maps.

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