Columns on Display at the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis

Greek Writing on a Stone Tablet in the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis

Greek Writing on a Stone Tablet in the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis

Hierapolis has got to be an archeologist’s dream come true. There are a lot of artifacts here were have been preserved. It is also a good place for a student of architecture or just plain enthusiast to visit. While not a lot of structures are still standing here in Hierapolis, parts of these structures have been partially reconstructed and are on display in the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis. There are some buildings here housing the artifacts but not all of them are actually inside. The columns, which are prominent features of Roman architecture, are on display outside the museum building.

Capital of Columns on Display at the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis

Capital of Columns on Display at the Archeological Museum of Hierapolis

I would overhear some English speaking tourists pointing out the type of style the columns have. I never really bothered to know the difference between them but I would probably know that it is some kind of style if I hear the name. I had to look this up but what is called the capital of the columns are on display here and you can appreciate the detail in making them. You can contrast this to what is being done in modern times and you can really appreciate the skill of the people who made these. I don’t know why only the capital usually remains. It is because they were built separately from the shaft of the column? After all, it would be a pain to make the entire thing all over again because you made a mistake.

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