Going to Cleopatra’s Pool

Crystal Clear Waters of Cleopatra's Pool at Hierapolis

Crystal Clear Waters of Cleopatra’s Pool at Hierapolis

From what you have seen, the Ploutonion at Hierapolis is rather underwhelming. Like a lot of places like this, it is all ruins and most of what you can see here is on the ground, or just partially reconstructed if you’re lucky. There would be signs here explaining what is there to see here but it only makes it worse because you get disappointed that you don’t get to see the real thing. I thought that I was done here since I was planning to head back to Istanbul right after this. I don’t want to arrive too late so I can still catch the metro back to town if ever.

Tourists Swimming in Cleopatra's Pool at Hierapolis

Tourists Swimming in Cleopatra’s Pool at Hierapolis

On the way back, I inevitably ended up at where the cafeteria is. It is not surprising to see a large number of people here. This area is covered and so it is much cooler than the outside. But what is probably more interesting here is that there is a pool here. It is named Cleopatra’s Pool and legend has it that Queen Cleopatra once bathed here. It goes on further saying that because she liked the waters of the pool so much that she started bathing in milk. I thought that is an amusing origin story of something we have heard of for centuries but who knows if it is true.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Hierapolis.kmz} zoom=19]

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