Ploutonion at Hierapolis

Inside the Ploutonion at Hierapolis

Inside the Ploutonion at Hierapolis

Right beside the amazing amphitheater at Hierapolis is another interesting structure. The Ploutonion is one of several sites here in Hierapolis that a dedicated to gods. As the name implies, the Ploutonion is one dedicated to the god of the underworld, Hades or Pluto to the Romans. Unfortunately, much of the area is in ruins and it is difficult to tell what was here. This is in contrast to the wonderfully restored amphitheater. Still, there are signs here which tell you what to see here. Perhaps what is most important here is the cave for which the entire place was established for.

Around the Ploutonion at Hierapolis

Around the Ploutonion at Hierapolis

There is a cave here which can cause suffocation to animals and even people. Because of this, it was named the Gate of Pluto because he is the god of the underworld. What exactly is this place? This gate to the underworld has a scientific reason for its deadly reputation. The cave is known to emit a lot of carbon dioxide which as you know is not suitable for breathing by humans and animals. People who do come here will suffocate because of lack of oxygen. There would be people who are aware of this and would enter the cave and either hold their breath or find pockets of air and emerge alive to prove that they are immune to the underworld. The carbon dioxide is produced by geologic processes, which is not surprising anymore because of Hierapolis’ proximity to Pamukkale. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air anyone who has to go in the cave will need to make sure they are as high as possible. I just think it is amazing that the ancient Romans knew about this even before modern science. They probably know that something is there but they just can’t see it.

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