
Theater at Hierapolis

Theater at Hierapolis

Hierapolis is one of two UNESCO World Heritage sites at Pamukkale. It is an ancient city that was built right beside the thermal springs of Pamukkale. It is no coincidence that the city was established here since the ancient Romans love their baths, especially their thermal baths. The waters of Pamukkale can be warm to downright boiling. This is perfect for their use as a thermal bath. I think it is a bonus that the thermal waters also happen to produce spectacular while travertine terraces for which Pamukkale is famous for.

Scaenae Frons of the Theater at Hierapolis

Scaenae Frons of the Theater at Hierapolis

Hierapolis or Holy City is older than the ancient Romans. There have been excavations here which date more than a thousand years before Christ. I have no doubt that the Phrygians, the people at that time, were also attracted to this place because of the hot springs. The Phrygians were then replaced by the Greeks at which time Hierapolis made its name as a place for hot springs. Centuries later the Romans would take over this region and would construct a lot of the monuments what we will see here. I just think that it is incredible that a place would have so much history behind it. It shows how long humans have occupied this area. I don’t know how the climate was back then but I can’t imagine it to be very pleasant here now, seeing how hot and dry it is now. I think the climate also did a lot to preserve the ruins here so it can’t be all that bad.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Hierapolis.kmz} zoom=19]