I think I have seen what is there to see in Pamukkale. The main section where most of the people are is already packed with people. I can see that there is a stream of people trying to make their way up the hill. No doubt that they are also going through what I went through as I walked up the hill barefoot. It is hard to describe why walking on it is so painful, it wasn’t like there were sharp rocks but maybe it is just that I wasn’t used to doing it that it became painful. I just took my time going up and taking photos while I was at it. Soon, I reached the top where you are free to use shoes once more.
You can see the rest of the area here, including that large pool of water at the foot of the hill. There are also some resorts below but I now know where all their water comes from. I’m not sure I would want to swim in their resort knowing that their water was basically used bathwater from above the hill. From the top, you can continue on to your left where you can see the rest of Pamukkale. This part of the park isn’t as visited. As you can clearly see the difference in the number of people here. Most of the people who make it up to the top usually head straight to the area where the cafeteria is. Lucky for me. There weren’t a lot of people here and sometimes you feel like you are the only one here. There are still travertine terraces here but like the rest, this also doesn’t have any water. I don’t know how often it rains here but I think that would be the only chance to see Pamukkale it its former glory.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Pamukkale.kmz} zoom=19]