Empty Terraces at Pamukkale

Top of Pamukkale

Top of Pamukkale

When I came to Pamukkale, my mind was filled with images of terraces filled with blue water that we look very good in photos. However reality proved to be something very different. While there seemed to be a lot of water flowing down the hill. I was surprised to see that a lot of the travertine terraces at Pamukkale were empty. They were all intact, however they were just empty. I understand that management has taken to control the water that comes out of here to better protect the terraces but I don’t understand how that helps. By stopping the very process which formed these amazing formations, I find it hard to believe that it helps preserve them.

Empty Travertine Terraces at Pamukkale

Empty Travertine Terraces at Pamukkale

There is a small pavilion on one side of the hill and you can see much of the area. I looked with disappointment to what is just a white landscape of empty travertine terraces. I looked it up online and some said that there would be times that the water would be let loose and you can see Pamukkale in all its glory. I don’t know when the actually happens since I was sure I got here early enough, perhaps it happens in the afternoon. I would not be able to find out since I would probably leave this place shortly. I know there is more than just this here so I think I need to budget my time more.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Pamukkale.kmz} zoom=19]