Going to Pamukkale

Park at Pamukkale

Park at Pamukkale

I took an eleven hour long bus ride to the city of Denizli in Türkiye. I had not much choice given the limited options I had. While the ride was comfortable enough, it was still brutal to go on a ride that long. I think the difference here with a plane ride is that I have much more space compared to a plane. I took a minibus from the Denizli bus station to my destination. I kept an eye on Google Maps to make sure that I would know roughly where I should be getting off. Turned out that I didn’t need to since the drive reminded me to get off.

Beautiful Travertine Covered Hill at Pamukkale

Beautiful Travertine Covered Hill at Pamukkale

Actually, the destination was already visible from far away, I just needed to figure out how to get there. I was dropped at what appears to be a residential area. Which I thought was weird and incorrect considering that I was going to what is supposed to be a major tourist destination. I did manage to find my way to the actual place and I was surprised to see how quiet it was. This is Pamukkale. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and it is one of the reasons why I decided to come to Türkiye in the first place. The main feature of Pamukkale is the beautiful white travertine terraces which formed from the constant flow of limestone infused water. I have seen photos of this place and I have always dreamt of coming here. It seems that I entered what appears to be a park here. There is a large pool of water here surrounded by a snow white hill. You would be forgiven for thinking that is looks a lot like snow but it really is travertine. It was still early in the morning here and there were only a handful of people here. Some of them look like they are just out for a walk. In fact, there were more birds here than people. I expect this to change very soon.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Pamukkale.kmz} zoom=19]