I was very pleased with the Lorsch Abbey which turned out to be just the gatehouse. I was thinking that if the gatehouse was that nice, what more would the rest of the abbey be? Unfortunately, there is no way to find out now. Much of the abbey is no more. At one time it was one of the richest in Europe. The management of the abbey were very shrewd, they were able to request for the body of Saint Nazarius from the Pope and this raised their status. The abbey was richly endowed and favored by both popes and emperors which gave them holdings far beyond Lorsch.
This wasn’t to last since war devastated Lorsch and the abbey too. Incredibly, the gatehouse survived mostly intact and that is what we see today. Walking through the gatehouse, I can see that there is another structure further on. I looks to be a church of some kind. This is an abbey after all so this is not surprising to see a church here. There is a nice little walk from the gatehouse to the abbey. I understand that it wasn’t that open here previously but it was mostly cleared out and turned into a nice little park.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LorschAbbey.kmz} zoom=19]