Arriving at Sankt Goar

Streets of Sankt Goar

Streets of Sankt Goar

I woke up early in the morning to catch a train from Köln to the small town of Sankt Goar. The trip took almost three hours but it had to be done. I know there are now better options to do this trip but what is done is done. On the way to Sankt Goar, I was keeping an eye on the temperature and it was below freezing. There was a part of the trip where there was snow and part of me was thinking that snow would be nice but it would be hard to move around if there were too much. I didn’t know I wasn’t prepared for this but I was still hoping that at least the temperature at least would go above freezing.

Heritage Structure at Sankt Goar

Heritage Structure at Sankt Goar

As the train was pulling into the the town, I can see that it is a small town along the banks of the River Rhine. I can see that the general area is that of a gorge carved by the river and the towns are built along the banks of the river. I think it was very picturesque. I was hoping that I would find a vantage point where I could see all this. There were only a handful of people who got off the train and right away, I can tell that this is a very sleepy town. I was second guessing my decision to go here since there doesn’t seem to be too many people coming here. Did I make a mistake choosing this place? There were hardly any people out in the street. Maybe it was just the cold that I can’t just see them.

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