I was pleased to have finally visited the Aachen Cathedral. It was the whole reason why I went to Aachen in the first place. With that out of the way, I am now free to see the rest of Aachen. I understand that the treasury at Aachen is also very well known as it is home to several important artifacts from the time of Charlemagne. Unfortunately, it was closed and at least from what I understood from my lack of knowledge of German, it would only be open in January. It was a shame though since I was already there. I don’t think they would think it is worth paying someone to man the place for only a handful of visitors in December.
That means, I might have to leave Aachen soon since the important places I have already visited or weren’t even open. Like a lot of cathedrals, Aachen Cathedral has a lively Christmas market outside the cathedral. I have already been one at Cologne Cathedral and this one in Aachen doesn’t look any different. I do not know if there are any local specialty foods here but I just went for something that looked nice.
I got something called kartoffelpuffer which was fried something and I know that fried something will always be good. I was told that it was potato pancake, and that could only be good. Yes, it was a bit oily but it is fried, it is supposed to be. It is common to have it with some kind of apple sauce which I thought was interesting but it was still nice. Obviously, just having potato pancake for lunch won’t be enough for me and I know I just needed to have a sausage sandwich. To wash everything all down, I had to have it with a very hot cup of glühwein. It was perfect to drink this with the temperature being below zero at the time. The Christmas market at Aachen was nowhere near as big as Cologne’s but I think it is perfect for Aachen’s size.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AachenCathedral.kmz} zoom=19]