Lagos Marina

Lagos Marina

Lagos Marina

We went to the city of Lagos in Algarve Portugal in two vehicles. We ended up in two different places and we had to walk where majority of the people are which is the Lagos Marina. The marina is now a major commercial center and there are numerous restaurants here perfect for tourists. I guess the van driver thought this would be the best place to drop them off because it was already noon and we need to go for lunch soon. While it was already warm it wasn’t blazingly hot yet. We walked all the way from the underground car park in the center of town to the marina.

Commercial Center at Lagos Marina

Commercial Center at Lagos Marina

As you would expect, the marina is where people would park their boats. Boats seems to be very common here because not only it is used by rich private citizens, it is also useful to park the larger ones. These larger ones are used by the tour operator to bring tourists around the area. We would be taking one of these boats around in a couple of days and I don’t think it would be different from the ones I am seeing here. You can see how busy the place is here. There are some tours which start here so it makes sense that there would be a lot of people here. Much as I want to go around and sight see, I think it would be time to go for lunch first.

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