Pizzeria Bella Napoli

Steak at Pizzeria Bella Napoli in Albufeira

Steak at Pizzeria Bella Napoli in Albufeira

We spent much of the days just doing fun activities for the kids. Albufeira is a city in the south of Portugal but it is also a major tourist magnet especially for people from the United Kingdom and Ireland. You can tell because you can see a lot of pubs here. I have been to other parts of Portugal and I absolutely loved the food. I thought that I was having actual local food. However, because Albufeira is a major tourist destination, it was inevitable that a lot of other cuisines would make it here. Much as I would have wanted to go to an actual Portuguese restaurant, this would not be my call.

Inside Pizzeria Bella Napoli

Inside Pizzeria Bella Napoli

Not too far from our serviced apartment, was a restaurant strip. The restaurant choices along this street were disappointing as far as I was concerned. Most of the food choices here were non-Portuguese and again, where we end up eating would not be up to me. One of the most important criteria when choosing a place to eat is the presence of a kids menu. Kids are very picky eaters these days and it is so difficult to find a place that would please everyone. We ended up at Pizzeria Bella Napoli. We chose to eat here because it was near the main road and thus easier to get back to the apartment from. But most importantly, they have a kids menu. A kids menu is essentially one which has serves nuggets and fries or chips. I can tell how much British and Irish tourism has affected the local restaurants when they have chips which is very common in British and Irish restaurants.

So how was the food? I ended up ordering steak, I know, very Italian. I guess I didn’t want to have pasta or pizza. The food was largely forgettable. My steak was tough and not that tasty and yes, it came with chips. I merely finished it up and forgot about it. The food took some time to get out probably because there were so many of us. Because of this visit, I have come to realize how much tourism can change a place. I was thinking that I won’t want to go eat something I could get at home. To think there there were so much of these restaurants, looks like a lot of tourists like this.

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