The New York-New York Hotel and Casino is the last of the four major hotels at this intersection. It is said to be the intersection with the most hotel rooms in the world. I am inclined to believe that. Each of the hotels in the intersection are huge and most importantly, have a distinct character. As you can tell from the name, New York is the inspiration for the New York-New York hotel. There are several replica skyscrapers at the complex and no doubt each one of them is a hotel. They even have a replica Statue of Liberty here just to make sure you know where you are.
Walking along this hotel complex gives you the feeling of actually being in New York, albeit in a more compact format. There are shops here like usual and even an Irish Pub which is also common in New York. New York-New York has a Hershey’s Chocolate World as one of its attractions. I actually didn’t go in anymore since I was already feeling tired from walking. It is a huge area to cover and it is worse if you are doing it in the heat. I could have come here at night but by then, I would have been too sleepy to walk around.
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