I wasn’t expecting to be visiting two different dams in this trip. I knew about the Hoover Dam even when I was a kid but I have never heard of the Glen Canyon Dam. This is a dam for which Page Arizona owes its existence to. Indeed, when Glen Canyon Dam was being built. A town was built to help support the people building it. It ended up being the current Page. These days Page is a tourist town to serve as a base for exploring the area. I wanted to visit the Glen Canyon Dam since I was already here. I couldn’t miss it since I drove past it the previous day. This time I would actually visit it.
I was in a hurry because I knew that temperature would be climbing as the day progresses. Much like the Hoover Dam, Glen Canyon Dam also has a bridge that runs right past it. It doesn’t seem like you can drive on the Glen Canyon Dam unlike Hoover Dam but I think it is still better to see the Glen Canyon Dam rather than being on it. Can’t photograph it if you are on it, right? The Glen Canyon Bridge is one of the highest bridges in the United States. It was one of the highest bridges in the world when it was built but has been surpassed by a lot more now. It does provide a great view of the dam considering that it was built primarily to support the building of the dam.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.ne/kml/GlenCanyonBridge.kmz} zoom=19]