Train to Épernay

Inside the Train to Épernay

Inside the Train to Épernay

The reason why I got out early was because I wanted to go out of Reims. I won’t be leaving the city entirely but I would be taking a day trip to one of its more well known surrounding towns. No, it wasn’t well known enough that I would actually know about it, but if you are ever in this part of France, a visit to the town of Épernay would be great activity. This area of France is known as the Champagne wine region. That isn’t just a name, because this is literally where all champagne in the world are made. If you are a fan of this drink, then you might want to pay a visit.

Train to Épernay

Train to Épernay

I would have thought that the trains to Épernay would have been more frequent from Reims, but they only leave every two hours. I messed up my timing and ended up having to wait more than an hour for the next train. In the meantime, I decided to go around the train station area and found a few interesting spots. Eventually, it was time for the train to depart. There is a pretty little train that is dedicated to touring the Chamgpagne region. This one is just a local train and it isn’t really that long. There weren’t too many people on the train either and it felt that I was the only one in my car. I thought it would be a short trip but took almost an hour to get there. The train would also stop at various villages along the way. As the train approached Épernay, I saw the vast wine growing fields that are used to produce champagne. It was winter so there weren’t any plants. The local climate started to get significantly muggy. I thought that this is probably the reason why this area can specialize in champagne.

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