I seemed to have ended up at a rather quiet part of Paris. There was a pedestrian area and there were restaurants there. I had a nice lunch at Le Grizzli Cafe and was thinking of what to do next. I probably won’t be going very far since I just want to relax this final day of my trip. I am on vacation after all. Fortunately, Paris has a large concentration of historic buildings and monuments all within walking distance of each other. I am next one of the very historic areas of Paris and I did see a lot of places. I thought I ran out of places to since it was rather quiet here.
As I was walking out of the area, I noticed that there was a very large and elegant building at the end of a street. I didn’t have a plan in mind and I just simply found this place by chance. The building at the end of the road looks a lot like those Renaissance buildings which are popular in France. In particular, they are commonly seen in royal palaces. I knew I was just at a royal palace so it would have been strange to see another one nearby. Apparently, this one is more civilian in nature and it is a place I have been to in different places all over France – Hôtel de Ville.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HôteldeVilleParis.kmz} zoom=19]