Walking along the River Seine in Paris is a pleasure. It was night time and I imagined that it might not be the safest thing to do. Some parts were not lit well but it turned out to be okay. At least I didn’t get mugged. In fact, most of the people I saw along the way were joggers. I was trying to walk a small stretch of the Seine which I didn’t get a chance to do the first time I visited. This is a historic area after all. There are several historic buildings in the area but they are probably not open at the moment. I will have time to see them the next couple of days.
The Pont d’Iena is one of the more prominent bridges along the river Seine. You will know that is the one when you are standing right in front of the Eiffel Tower. The bridge itself was ordered built by Napoleon. Looking at it, they made it sure that it is not just any other bridge. It’s position in the city is arguably one of the most important ones. Especially when looking at it from a tourism point of view. The bridge itself is quite elegant. There are carvings on the sides of the bridge giving it that old world feel. Looking at the bridge right now, you won’t think that it is something from old, but it has undergone numerous renovations and expansions to what it is right now. Oh, there is a nice spot at one end of the bridge to take photos of the Eiffel Tower, just make sure you don’t get run over!
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Pontd’Iena.kmz} zoom=19]