I thought I was randomly wandering about the city of Colmar when I figuratively stumbled into what appears to be a canal. The canal is lined with several timber framed houses which are especially plentiful here. From the looks of it, these structures are restaurants but they are not open yet because it was still early. Perhaps I need to come back here when it is time for lunch. Curiously, for something so pretty, I thought that there weren’t too many people here. I thought that people would swarming the place to take photos, maybe I was still in the wrong area. It only goes to show you how many beautiful places there are in Colmar.
La Petite Venise is the main tourist attraction in Colmar. As you can probably guess from the name, it means Little Venice. The Venice part obviously comes from the canals the flows through here. I am not sure if there are a lot of canals that flow through Colmar since this is the only one that I have encountered so far. I am aware that Colmar is much smaller than Strasbourg so many there’s won’t be as many. I am enjoying just walking around here and taking photos. It is a shame that I didn’t get the blue skies that I wanted.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LaPetiteVenise.kmz} zoom=19]