The main attraction of the city of Nancy is its main square which is Place Stanislas. It is a large square flanked several period buildings. The construction of this square was started by the former king of Poland Stanislas who sought refuge here in Nancy. He was given a position here in Nancy and set to work developing the square. As you might imagine, kings are very fond of nice things. Former King Stanislas was no exception, he set out making the square one which features ornate structures. I already got to see this in the gates leading to the square itself. The gates are made of iron but appear to be gilded as well. I don’t know if it is real gold but does look very attractive.
The square itself it rather empty apart from a few structures but there are features around the square which make it attractive. One of these is the Fountain of Neptune which is off to one corner of the square. The design of the fountain is much like the design of the gates, iron with golden highlights The fountain itself is one which depict the god of the sea, Neptune and it surrounded by his tritons. The fountain itself isn’t very large but it fits well with the arch behind it.
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