Much as I want to hang around Petite France, I really need to move on. I would want to go to the apartment I will be staying at tonight so I can leave my bags there. It has gotten a little easier going around, maybe I have gotten used to it already but nothing beats traveling light. On the flip side, I have already taken photos of the most important place that maybe I could take a it a little easier after this. I got lucky that it was such a lovely day. Petite France was just a lovely quarter with all of the beautifully restored buildings that it is difficult to choose which one is the best.
The Pont Saint Martin sort of closes out the circle which I went through to explore Petite France. It is one of the major bridges which connect Petite France to the “mainland”. Incidentally, you can also get great views of Petite France. This time you get to see much of the river which flows south of the Grand Île. To the left, there are still more heritage buildings here, I think some of them have been turned into restaurants. I’m sure that the views would be splendid. From Pont Saint Martin, you can also see how the lock operates. In fact, the tourist ferry which goes around here uses the lock each time it passes this place. So it is a good opportunity to see it in action.
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