Moët and Chandon Wine Tasting Tour Waiting Area

Documents Showing Napoleon Bonaparte's Orders of Champagne

Documents Showing Napoleon Bonaparte’s Orders of Champagne

I managed to get a slot at the Moët and Chandon Wine Tasting Tour. I was glad that the staff managed to find me a slow so I don’t have to wait another hour for the next one. There are different tours such as one which includes two drinks or one which is in French. I naturally joined the English one just so I can understand what I am seeing. The waiting area at Moët and Chandon is quite large. I guess that if it weren’t for the pandemic, there would have been much more people here waiting instead of just me. To keep the waiting people from falling asleep, there are some stuff on display here which may arouse your interest.

Signature Hat of Napoleon

Signature Hat of Napoleon

Moët and Chandon was established in 1743. This makes it an old but well established company. You do not last that long if your product isn’t very good and apparently, it is quite good. Since it was royalty as part of its customers. One of Moët and Chandon’s most prominent customers is Napoleon Bonaparte, who is a massive fan of the drink. Napoleon and the Moëts have a very strong bond and you can see examples of the strength of their bond, which include purchase orders from Napoleon as well as the signature hat which Napoleon uses. I was surprised at this connection between Moët and Chandon and the emperor of France, but I guess it just goes to show that if you have a good product, people will come.

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