When I was just driving into the village of Timoleague, one of the first places I noticed was the Timoleague abbey which dominates the town. I first visited the individual places here in the village before ended back at where I started. It turned out that I made a full round of walking around the main village center that I ended up back at the bridge into the village. This happens to be the best place to appreciate what I would call the waterfront of Timoleague. The river Argideen runs past the village of Timoleague and eventually makes its way out to sea. This makes for a great foreground for photos.
I know that the bridge is one of the main entrances into the village but it is also the best place to view the waterfront. From here you can see the Timoleague Abbey by the river as well as parts of the village. I would probably be nice to have some kind of open air restaurants here since it is really that pretty. Unfortunately, these kinds of places don’t work very well since the weather here is so unpredictable. Sure, you can predict if it will rain tomorrow with reasonable accuracy but to do that, months or a year ahead is impossible. In fact, guaranteed summer weather isn’t even a sure thing here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Timoleague.kmz} zoom=19]