Carrickabraghy Castle

Carrickabraghy Castle

Carrickabraghy Castle

Carrickabraghy Castle is a castle on the Inishowen Peninsula near the village of Ballyliffin. I only happened to know about it when I saw a marker on Google Maps which is the reason what I thought to pay it a visit. Like a lot of castles in Ireland, Carrickabraghy Castle was built by the water to make it easier to defend. The castle itself is built on top of some elevated land so it is not totally right beside the water. The terrain near the castle itself isn’t very good, which probably makes it a perfect place to defend.

Rugged Landscape at Carrickabraghy Castle

Rugged Landscape at Carrickabraghy Castle

The castle it might have been built in the 1600s. There are still substantial parts remaining of the castle. There is a path on the side which passes through some modern structures. The castle is built on some elevated land so you can see a bit of the surrounding landscape. I can see the this place appears like it is at the edge of the world but at the time there were a lot of tribes roaming in Ireland and the castle is just another place to protect yourself since everybody else is an enemy. It is not possible to access the actual castle itself. Some people would climb inside but I don’t think people should be doing that.

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