Gazebo at Killarney National Park
The days that I was in Killarney weren’t very nice. The weather was awful as it was constantly raining. There would be small periods where the sun would come out but that changes very quickly. Photographers still out will have to be quick on their toes to get an decent shots here. Additionally, because of the constant rain, the ground was soaked. I was making my way back from the old boathouse in Killarney National Park back to the car park. There were a few landmarks along the way so I thought to just drop by. One of these place is the arboretum.

Exploring Killarney National Park
I had no idea what and arboretum was, but apparently, it is a collection of plants. It seems that the arboretum in Killarney National Park is known for its collection of plants including those from the southern hemisphere. There is a gazebo like structure which I thought was referred to by “arboretum”. It looks more like a sculpture rather than a gazebo because it doesn’t really keep the rain out. It was in the middle of the field and I had to walk on soft and sometimes muddy soil to get to it. In the end I just got myself very wet and my shoes dirty and soaked. I managed to find my way back to the car park as the path leads back to the main road going to the car park.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KillarneyNationalPark.kmz} zoom=19]