Old Boathouse in Killarney National Park
I have never seen a boathouse before. Apparently this is where you keep boats. These are built near the shore so they can just drag the boats to the boathouses. This one doesn’t seem to be in use anymore though. It is interesting how the water would be right outside the door. There was another structure here which is further out into the lake. I can only see one side of the structure but this one only has a small door. Far too small to drag boats in. I would have to assume that this is another boathouse and that there is a bigger door on the opposite side. Curiously, there is a small bench here. I don’t see how I would enjoy sitting on the bench with the water literally under you.

Lake Facing Side of the Old Boathouse in Killarney National Park
I don’t know if this amount of water reaching into the boathouses is normal. It would be a stretch to blame global warming, since this is a lake. I would attribute this more to the amount of rain in the recent days. Seeing as to how soaked the ground is, it would fair to say that rain would have exacerbated the issue. The boathouses themselves were not open to visitors so I wouldn’t know how it looks inside or if they still have boats in them. There is an Old Boathouse Trail here but I’m not sure how far it extends. I would have like to hiked it but I don’t have time. This is probably the furthest I can go in the Killarney National Park, I would have to see if there is anything else as I head back to the car.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/OldBoathouseKillarney.kmz} zoom=19]