Looking Out of Ait Ben-Haddou
When we were brought to the Ait Ben-Haddou, I wasn’t expecting to go in the fortified village immediately. Ait Ben-Haddou is built on the slopes of a hill so you can see houses appear to be built on top of the other. It was impossible to see such a thing when you are actually inside the place itself. Instead you get to see how it looks like from the inside. To be honest, I prefer that I see it from the outside, not from the inside. After all, the whole reason why I came here was precisely because I saw the photos of the place from the outside. In the meantime, we would go around the fortified village as we slowly make our way up the hill.

Structures in Ait Ben-Haddou
Along the way, our tour guide realized that he has lost control of the group. I think he spent too much time speaking in three different languages that a lot of people, including me, lost interest. It would have been better he we just agreed on an assembly time and people who would want to go on the tour can choose to do so. I probably would have skipped the tour and instead head outside the village to take photos. Ait Ben-Haddou is not unlike a medina built on a hill. There were only a few shops here fortunately, probably set up by the few people who still live here.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AitBen-Haddou.kmz} zoom=19]