Inside Gare Casa Voyageurs
Another day, another train ride. It was happy with my visit to El Jadida, it feels very off the beaten path and there were only a handful of non-local tourists here. I actually wasn’t sure if I would be coming here but I thought that it was just a train ride away from the capital of Rabat, then I thought I should just go there. The following day, I checked out early so I can catch a train. I wasn’t thinking, but I didn’t check the time of the train, when I got to the El Jadida train station, the train won’t be leaving for two hours. There is nothing much to do in the train station other than have breakfast. Eventually the train did arrive and I was on my way.

Art at Gare Casa Voyageurs
I would be heading to the my final stop at the city of Marrakesh where I would be taking my flight home. There is no direct train from El Jadida to Marrakesh, one would need to transfer to another train at Casablanca. I chose to stop at Gare Casa Voyageurs, which seems to be a major train station in Casablanca – like Rabat, Casablanca actually has several stations, so you need to make sure you know where you are going. The Gare Casa Voyageurs is a very impressive train station, not surprising for Morocco’s second largest city. The train station is very modern and it reminds me of the train stations I saw in Tangier and Rabat Agdal. The train station is not unlike an airport terminal. There is a large signboard which displays all departures, though sometimes, there would still be confusion. There will always be people here on hand to help with anything. There are also eating places here including western ones like McDonald’s. There are also a few stalls here for shopping in case you are bored.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GareCasaVoyageurs.kmz} zoom=19]