I have pretty much explored the whole of the Portuguese City of Mazagan which is in modern day El Jadida. It is a quiet UNESCO World Heritage site where you mostly see locals going around and relaxing. El Jadida is a coastal municipality and understandably, a lot of the livelihood here involves the sea. There are a lot of fishing boats in the nearby harbor here which is protected by a long breakwater to keep the water calm as well as protect the shore from erosion. I discovered that you can actually walk on the breakwater itself which I thought would be a nice experience. It didn’t seem to be a dangerous area so I just went.
To enter the actual breakwater, you need to climb some large pieces of concrete called armor units. These armor units are large identically shaped geometric units which are placed on the shores of breakwaters to help dissipate the waves. There can be a large number of these armor units depending on how long the breakwater is. By placing the armor units right in the middle of the breakwater, it doesn’t appear that it was meant to be visited by people. But it is still possible to climb them to get there. Disclaimer: I wasn’t the only one going in there. The breakwater itself is quite long here which explains the quiet water near the old city. I guess it makes sense to build this here since you won’t want the old city to one day fall into the sea.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BreakwaterElJadida.kmz} zoom=19]