Arch of Caracalla

Arch of Carcalla

Arch of Carcalla

There are very few standing structures here in Volubilis. The basilica was nice enough even if much of its walls are gone. The Capitoline Temple is just a shadow of its former self with only several columns left standing. I was then surprised to see the Arch of Caracalla. This is an arch which stands at one end of the main avenue of Volubilis. There is actually an equivalent arch at the other end of the avenue, so I think you can consider this one of the main entrances of Volubilis. What is amazing about the arch of Caracalla is that it still stands.

Walking Under the Arch of Carcalla

Walking Under the Arch of Carcalla

The Arch of Caracalla is so named because it is built in honor of the Roman Emperor Caracalla. He is known for giving Roman citizenship to the people of the Roman provinces. Compared to other triumphal archs which I have seen elsewhere. The arch that is on display here is actually a reconstruction and never finished. Much of the stonework of the arch is exposed now, but it used to be quite ornate. There used to be statues here which decorated the arch. These are long gone now. It is probably a miracle that the triumphal arch didn’t get cannibalized in other construction efforts after Volubilis was abandoned.

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