City Walls of Meknès

Tunnel Through the Walls of Meknès

Tunnel Through the Walls of Meknès

The walls of Meknès is probably the single most prominent structure. Typical of medieval cities, the royal city of Meknès is also surrounded by high and thick walls. This is a product of the building boom when Sultan Moulay Ismail was ruler of Morocco. He mad Meknès his capital and it is natural that he reinforce the defenses of the city. The walls were inspired by the Spanish and the Moors. You can actually see how similar they are to the ones in Spain. I stepped outside the medina of Meknès and out into the rest of the city thinking that that was it for the city walls but I was mistaken.

There Better be Something Interesting Here

There Better be Something Interesting Here

I was following the map I was given and I was surprised that it led to continue on outside the medina walls. I thought that the medina was the most important part of the city but apparently, there are other important structures here. Important enough to surround them with high walls. I was making my way along these walls hoping to find out exactly what was here. Like a lot of the places I have been to, there was little information to tell me what exactly I can find here. I only had my map which was given me and that was it. It is a pity since Morocco really has a lot of historical structures which are very interesting but there is little to guide the tourist except a hand drawn map or Google.

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