Going to the Marinid Tombs

Crossing the Highway to the Marinid Tombs

Crossing the Highway to the Marinid Tombs

While exploring the medina of Fès, I managed to access three roof decks and in all three instances, I saw that there was something outside the medina walls. There seemed to be monuments built on top of a hill just outside the medina and I was wondering what they were apparently there were medieval tombs and they are quite important. I decided to go to the tombs but I first needed to find my way out of the medina. I know I could get of the medina through the Blue Gate but I would need to walk all the way back there. I’m pretty sure that there a other ways of getting out the medina. The owner of Restaurant Assala advised me to go back not too far and head for the car park. Beyond the car park I would be able to get out of the medina and I should be able to make my way to the tombs.

Walking Up to the Marinid Tombs

Walking Up to the Marinid Tombs

The car park was easy enough to find and I did manage to get out of the medina and on to the main road outside it. I crossed the highway to get to the other side and I managed to find a trail which winds it way up the hill to the tomb. There is probably another way there if you go further but this one appears to be the fastest way up. The trail is just a dirt trail so you need to be careful when following the trail because the surface is uneven. There seems to be some sort of unfinished road here but it was in very poor condition that it would be better to just follow the dirt path. It isn’t a strenuous hike and you can take your time as you watch the medina of Fès unfold before you.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MarinidTombs.kmz} zoom=19]