Searching for the Tannery in Fès

Overlooking the Tannery in Fès

Overlooking the Tannery in Fès

One of the most important places to see here in Fès is the old tannery. Apparently, they still tan hides the old fashioned way as they have for centuries. I have seen photos of the place and it does look very impressive. With the brilliant light outside, I thought it would have made for great photos. The challenge now, is to find it. As you might expect, nothing in Fès is easy to find. Take a wrong turn somewhere you would end up going in circles. It is quite maddening and fascinating how people would be able to locate anything here in the first place. Imagine if you have to deliver something here.

Closer Look at the Tannery in Fès

Closer Look at the Tannery in Fès

You would see signs which point to the tannery but there would always be people who would be too willing to “help” you. Because of what I have read online and past experiences, I always took this as a chance for them to earn some money. I was planning to not let them earn this kind of money but sometimes you can’t avoid it. I don’t know if there really is a way to get to the tannery itself. As large as this place is, it boggles the mind to know that I was very close to the tannery and yet still couldn’t see them. There were all these leather goods shops here but no tannery in sight. It seems like they have surrounded the tannery and the only way to see it would be to go into the shops. Long story short, it is impossible to find it on your own.

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