While I have been to Chefchaoen medina the previous night and saw that the walls of the fabled city are indeed blue. It wasn’t until the next day that I would get to appreciate the beauty of this city. Despite the miserable weather here I was determined to get my photos of the blue city by hook or by crook. I would only have this whole day here in the city so I don’t really have a choice but to go around despite the rain. The medina really is as pretty as it is in the photos. It feels less hectic compared to other medinas in the country. People aren’t pushy here and just let you be. However, I wasn’t here to shop. I came here to take my photos.
I think by following people you can really end up in an interesting place. I ended up on the major street in the medina and somehow found this pretty staircase which of course has blue walls but this one is also lined with flower buckets. I was very happy because this is one of the most photographed spots in the medina. In better weather, the sky would also be blue but for now, I can just let the walls be blue. Even if there weren’t as many people here there were still tourists waiting to take their photos at this famous spot. Naturally my patience would wear thin if you have people who aren’t sure of what they want to do at the spot. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who had this opinion as a local guide was also expressing his displeasure over the long photoshoot of some tourists. I was there alone so I didn’t really take very long to take photos. Besides, it was still raining.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChefchaoenMedina.kmz} zoom=19]