I was very happy to have my first taste of authentic Moroccan cuisine. I had it before and I was quite happy with it. Now that I was actually where it all came from, makes me wish I could try them all. I would have to do that a meal at a time though. I still have some time to go around the old city or medina. There are a lot of these medina in Morocco and some of them have become famous. These places were centers of commerce centuries ago and they still survive to this day. While the medina of Tangier may not be as famous as the ones found in other places, I think this would be a good introduction for me when I finally go to those more famous ones.
The old medina is surrounded by city walls. I passed through them when I entered the old city on my way to lunch. Immediately, you can see that this place is buzzing with activity. What I noticed was that this was a place which was buzzing not because there were a lot of tourists here. There were actual locals who come here to buy their stuff. Fruit seems to be especially plentiful here. It shattered the image I had of a dry Morocco. You can’t grow this much fruit if you were all desert, right? The northern part of the country has very fertile land and of course it also rains as I had to experience first hand.
[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TangierOldMedina.kmz} zoom=19]