The following morning wasn’t very nice. It was overcast and but at least it wasn’t raining. The forecast says that there would be intermittent sun but I’m not counting on it that much. I thought that I wouldn’t want to waste a visit to Glacier National Park on a cloudy day. I got the idea of visiting some nearby towns. I got a rental car and the maps says it shouldn’t that far of a drive. I thought of going to the town of Bigfork. It was less than an hour away from Glacier so I thought it would be a worthwhile excursion, if only to get away from the mountains for a change.
The road to Bigfork wasn’t very interesting. This part of Montana isn’t really very densely populated so don’t expect too many towns here. There would be the odd house here and there but it was uninteresting. Probably what is interesting is the fact that some of the waters of Lake McDonald wind up downstream to what is the largest lake in the area – Flathead Lake. The main river which feeds into the lake is Flathead River. It actually joins up with McDonald Creek as it makes it way down to Flathead lake. It was hard to imagine how much larger Flathead Lake is apart from looking it at a map. Flathead Lake dwarfs Lake McDonald by a long shot.
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