Inside Saint Thomas’s Church in Achill Island

Inside the Church of Saint Thomas in Achill

Inside the Church of Saint Thomas in Achill

Saint Thomas’s Church in Achill Island was founded as the main church in Achill by the Anglican missions. There were probably much more people here than now which might explain why they decided to set up shop here. There are still regular but infrequent services in the church. Despite not having a lot of services here, the church remains very much in use and maintained. There is a door off to the side of the church and visitors can go in from here. The inside of the church is very simple in line with the simple lives of the people here. Still there are two columns of pews here which give the appearance of having a lot of parishioners attending the services.

Pipe Organ at the Church of Saint Thomas in Achill Island

Pipe Organ at the Church of Saint Thomas in Achill Island

The rear of the church is dominated by the pipes of an organ which I assume is still in use. There is nothing remarkable about this church I guess considering its age, it is actually in very good working condition. I probably wouldn’t have thought that it would be almost two hundred years old. This is a testament to the constant maintenance being done to the church. The locals of the village of Dugort would be the primary users of this church these days. Though, the church also accepts donations from people to help with the maintenance of the place.

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